
By admin , 24 十一月, 2017

GDP(Gross Domestic Product):国内生产总值,是指一个国家或者国界范围内所有常驻单位在一定时期内生产的所有最终产品和劳务的市场价值。

PPP(Perchasing Power Parity):购买力平价,是一种根据各国不同的价格水平计算出来的货币之间的等值系数,以便能够对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较。



2016 GDP ranking


Country / Economy GDP Nominal (billions of $)
2017 share Rank 2022
United States 19,417.14 24.9 1 23,760
China 11,795.30 15.1 2 17,707
Japan 4,841.22 6.21 3 5,368
Germany 3,423.29 4.39 4 3,923
United Kingdom 2,496.76 3.2 5 2,873
India 2,454.46 3.15 6 3,935
France 2,420.44 3.1 7 2,815
Brazil 2,140.94 2.75 8 2,676
Italy 1,807.43 2.32 9 1,994
Canada 1,600.27 2.05 10 1,913
Russia 1,560.71 2 11 1,841
Korea 1,498.07 1.92 12 1,829
Australia 1,359.72 1.74 13 1,710
Spain 1,232.44 1.58 14 1,452
Indonesia 1,020.52 1.31 15 1,616
Mexico 987.303 1.27 16 1,284
Turkey 793.698 1.02 17 1,032
Netherlands 762.694 0.978 18 876
Saudi Arabia 707.379 0.907 19 837.3
Switzerland 659.368 0.845 20 737
Argentina 628.935 0.806 21 908.3
Taiwan Province of China 566.757 0.727 22 655.4
Sweden 507.046 0.65 23 629.4
Poland 482.92 0.619 24 633.2
Belgium 462.715 0.593 25 540.9
Thailand 432.898 0.555 26 519.1
United Arab Emirates 407.21 0.522 27 541.1
Nigeria 400.621 0.514 28 656.9
Norway 391.959 0.503 29 446.7
Austria 383.509 0.492 30 446
Islamic Republic of Iran 368.488 0.472 31 503.9
Israel 339.99 0.436 32 415.2
Hong Kong SAR 332.266 0.426 33 399.2
Philippines 329.716 0.423 34 579.3
South Africa 317.568 0.407 35 380.4
Malaysia 309.86 0.397 36 489
Colombia 306.439 0.393 37 401.7
Denmark 304.216 0.39 38 363.5
Ireland 294.193 0.377 39 364.2
Egypt 294.109 0.377 40 416.5
Singapore 291.86 0.374 41 340.8
Venezuela 251.589 0.323 42 152.7
Pakistan 251.487 0.322 43 356.2
Chile 251.22 0.322 44 321.3
Bangladesh 248.853 0.319 45 386.9
Finland 234.524 0.301 46 275
Vietnam 215.829 0.277 47 314.2
Peru 207.072 0.266 48 276.6
Portugal 202.77 0.26 49 229.8
New Zealand 198.043 0.254 50 249.5
Czech Republic 196.068 0.251 51 256.5
Greece 193.1 0.248 52 227.8
Romania 189.79 0.243 53 261.9
Iraq 189.432 0.243 54 249.1
Algeria 173.947 0.223 55 202.2
Qatar 173.649 0.223 56 237
Kazakhstan 157.878 0.202 57 232.9
Kuwait 126.971 0.163 58 173.2
Hungary 125.297 0.161 59 149.7
Angola 122.365 0.157 60 150.2
Sudan 115.874 0.149 61 255.4
Morocco 105.623 0.135 62 139.4
Puerto Rico 99.727 0.128 63 93.1
Ecuador 97.362 0.125 64 105.8
Ukraine 95.934 0.123 65 148.1
Slovak Republic 89.134 0.114 66 114.9
Sri Lanka 84.023 0.108 67 117.7
Ethiopia 78.384 0.101 68 114.9
Dominican Republic 76.85 0.0985 69 103.2
Kenya 75.099 0.0963 70 112.8
Myanmar 72.368 0.0928 71 120.2
Oman 71.325 0.0915 72 90.48
Guatemala 70.943 0.091 73 95.94
Uzbekistan 68.324 0.0876 74 87.92
Luxembourg 59.997 0.0769 75 75.99
Costa Rica 59.796 0.0767 76 83.39
Panama 59.486 0.0763 77 89.84
Uruguay 58.123 0.0745 78 75.39
Belarus 54.689 0.0701 79 65.08
Libya 54.411 0.0698 80 185.2
Lebanon 53.915 0.0691 81 68.66
Bulgaria 52.291 0.0671 82 64.71
Tanzania 51.194 0.0656 83 77.63
Croatia 50.084 0.0642 84 60.1
Macao SAR 45.728 0.0586 85 55.88
Slovenia 43.503 0.0558 86 52.32
Lithuania 42.826 0.0549 87 55.41
Ghana 42.753 0.0548 88 61.89
Turkmenistan 42.355 0.0543 89 71.43
Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.098 0.0527 90 52.72
Jordan 40.506 0.0519 91 52.67
Tunisia 40.289 0.0517 92 50.85
Bolivia 39.267 0.0504 93 57.81
Azerbaijan 38.583 0.0495 94 58.46
Serbia 37.739 0.0484 95 51.83
Côte d'Ivoire 36.873 0.0473 96 56.23
Bahrain 34.31 0.044 97 41.15
Cameroon 29.547 0.0379 98 40.52
Paraguay 28.743 0.0369 99 37.64
Latvia 27.795 0.0356 100 37.24
El Salvador 27.548 0.0353 101 34.43
Yemen 27.189 0.0349 102 39.84
Uganda 27.174 0.0348 103 40.49
Estonia 23.422 0.03 104 31.01
Nepal 23.316 0.0299 105 35.01
Zambia 23.137 0.0297 106 32.41
Iceland 22.97 0.0295 107 30.31
Honduras 21.79 0.0279 108 25.85
Trinidad and Tobago 21.748 0.0279 109 29.23
Papua New Guinea 21.189 0.0272 110 29.29
Cambodia 20.953 0.0269 111 31.57
Afghanistan 20.57 0.0264 112 29.11
Cyprus 19.648 0.0252 113 23.49
Bosnia and Herzegovina 16.78 0.0215 114 21.96
Botswana 15.564 0.02 115 20.96
Senegal 15.431 0.0198 116 23.37
Zimbabwe 15.285 0.0196 117 19.95
Lao P.D.R. 14.971 0.0192 118 23.12
Mali 14.344 0.0184 119 18.95
Jamaica 14.272 0.0183 120 18.59
Gabon 14.208 0.0182 121 18.36
Nicaragua 13.748 0.0176 122 18.97
Georgia 13.723 0.0176 123 20.41
Brunei Darussalam 12.326 0.0158 124 16.45
Albania 12.294 0.0158 125 17.14
Burkina Faso 12.258 0.0157 126 18.35
Mauritius 12.245 0.0157 127 15.97
Namibia 11.765 0.0151 128 15.64
Equatorial Guinea 11.686 0.015 129 12.17
Mozambique 11.17 0.0143 130 18.39
Malta 11.164 0.0143 131 14.24
FYR Macedonia 10.951 0.014 132 14.35
Armenia 10.741 0.0138 133 13.86
Madagascar 10.372 0.0133 134 14.56
Mongolia 10.271 0.0132 135 14.53
Chad 9.636 0.0124 136 12.9
The Bahamas 9.172 0.0118 137 10.83
Rwanda 8.918 0.0114 138 12.76
Benin 8.792 0.0113 139 13.23
Republic of Congo 8.341 0.0107 140 11.34
Haiti 7.897 0.0101 141 8.837
Niger 7.674 0.00984 142 11.44
Moldova 7.409 0.0095 143 9.378
Tajikistan 7.242 0.00929 144 10.52
Guinea 6.936 0.00889 145 9.59
Kyrgyz Republic 6.854 0.00879 146 8.955
Kosovo 6.809 0.00873 147 9.032
Malawi 6.182 0.00793 148 8.661
Eritrea 6.051 0.00776 149 10.62
Mauritania 5.063 0.00649 150 5.882
Fiji 4.869 0.00624 151 6.144
South Sudan 4.812 0.00617 152 5.991
Barbados 4.759 0.0061 153 5.77
Togo 4.554 0.00584 154 6.537
Montenegro 4.185 0.00537 155 5.198
Sierra Leone 4.088 0.00524 156 6.802
Swaziland 3.938 0.00505 157 4.298
Suriname 3.641 0.00467 158 4.542
Guyana 3.591 0.0046 159 5.927
Maldives 3.578 0.00459 160 4.989
Burundi 3.384 0.00434 161 5.987
Timor-Leste 2.727 0.0035 162 3.63
Lesotho 2.439 0.00313 163 3.247
Bhutan 2.308 0.00296 164 3.86
Liberia 2.215 0.00284 165 3.217
Djibouti 2.088 0.00268 166 3.3
Central African Republic 1.992 0.00255 167 3.386
Belize 1.829 0.00235 168 2.299
Cabo Verde 1.637 0.0021 169 2.197
San Marino 1.551 0.00199 170 1.766
Seychelles 1.475 0.00189 171 1.923
Antigua and Barbuda 1.454 0.00186 172 1.79
St. Lucia 1.428 0.00183 173 1.644
Solomon Islands 1.245 0.0016 174 1.662
Guinea-Bissau 1.166 0.0015 175 1.621
Grenada 1.089 0.0014 176 1.381
The Gambia 1.041 0.00133 177 1.417
St. Kitts and Nevis 0.951 0.00122 178 1.218
Samoa 0.843 0.00108 179 1.009
Vanuatu 0.829 0.00106 180 1.123
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 0.809 0.00104 181 1.004
Comoros 0.654 0.00084 182 0.902
Dominica 0.539 0.00069 183 0.645
Tonga 0.422 0.00054 184 0.53
São Tomé and Príncipe 0.355 0.00046 185 0.536
Micronesia 0.334 0.00043 186 0.371
Palau 0.315 0.0004 187 0.407
Marshall Islands 0.188 0.00024 188 0.216
Kiribati 0.173 0.00022 189 0.196
Nauru 0.114 0.00015 190 0.122
Tuvalu 0.036 0.00005 191 0.043
Syria - - - -
World 77,988     99,956



Country / Economy GDP PPP (billions of Int. $)
2017 share Rank 2022
China 23,194.41 18.3 1 34,316
United States 19,417.14 15.3 2 23,760
India 9,489.30 7.49 3 15,427
Japan 5,420.23 4.28 4 6,201
Germany 4,134.67 3.26 5 4,902
Russia 3,938.00 3.11 6 4,707
Indonesia 3,257.12 2.57 7 4,712
Brazil 3,216.03 2.54 8 3,930
United Kingdom 2,905.39 2.29 9 3,520
France 2,833.06 2.24 10 3,434
Mexico 2,406.20 1.9 11 3,031
Italy 2,303.11 1.82 12 2,664
Turkey 2,082.08 1.64 13 2,750
Korea 2,029.71 1.6 14 2,613
Saudi Arabia 1,796.21 1.42 15 2,174
Spain 1,768.82 1.4 16 2,154
Canada 1,752.91 1.38 17 2,132
Islamic Republic of Iran 1,535.49 1.21 18 2,114
Australia 1,251.42 0.988 19 1,600
Thailand 1,226.41 0.968 20 1,589
Egypt 1,197.97 0.946 21 1,738
Taiwan Province of China 1,177.05 0.929 22 1,460
Nigeria 1,124.63 0.888 23 1,367
Poland 1,114.11 0.879 24 1,429
Pakistan 1,060.57 0.837 25 1,556
Malaysia 922.057 0.728 26 1,295
Argentina 912.816 0.721 27 1,164
Netherlands 907.619 0.716 28 1,097
Philippines 878.98 0.694 29 1,368
South Africa 761.926 0.601 30 937.4
Colombia 720.151 0.568 31 947.5
United Arab Emirates 693.765 0.548 32 915.4
Bangladesh 686.598 0.542 33 1,069
Vietnam 648.243 0.512 34 973
Iraq 641.005 0.506 35 773.5
Algeria 634.746 0.501 36 763.4
Belgium 529.289 0.418 37 633.3
Sweden 522.849 0.413 38 638.1
Singapore 514.837 0.406 39 649.5
Switzerland 514.162 0.406 40 619.8
Kazakhstan 472.563 0.373 41 625.4
Romania 470.312 0.371 42 614.7
Chile 455.941 0.36 43 582.8
Hong Kong SAR 449.589 0.355 44 575
Austria 432.424 0.341 45 508.4
Peru 429.711 0.339 46 570.8
Venezuela 404.109 0.319 47 407.4
Norway 377.1 0.298 48 464.3
Czech Republic 368.659 0.291 49 457.6
Ukraine 368.047 0.291 50 491.5
Qatar 347.887 0.275 51 428.3
Ireland 343.682 0.271 52 441.2
Myanmar 334.856 0.264 53 534.6
Israel 316.12 0.25 54 406.1
Portugal 310.651 0.245 55 364.7
Kuwait 309.64 0.244 56 404.9
Greece 302.15 0.238 57 369.5
Morocco 300.556 0.237 58 412.1
Hungary 284.266 0.224 59 356.7
Denmark 284.04 0.224 60 344.9
Sri Lanka 278.415 0.22 61 395.6
Finland 239.662 0.189 62 286.6
Uzbekistan 222.792 0.176 63 331.1
Ethiopia 194.98 0.154 64 309.4
Angola 193.935 0.153 65 231.3
Oman 189.582 0.15 66 236.9
Sudan 186.715 0.147 67 247.1
New Zealand 186.476 0.147 68 235.7
Ecuador 184.629 0.146 69 214.9
Slovak Republic 179.527 0.142 70 237.6
Dominican Republic 174.18 0.137 71 246.8
Belarus 173.405 0.137 72 207.1
Azerbaijan 167.431 0.132 73 213.2
Kenya 164.34 0.13 74 247.4
Tanzania 163.522 0.129 75 250.3
Bulgaria 152.079 0.12 76 191.4
Guatemala 138.987 0.11 77 186.3
Tunisia 136.797 0.108 78 184.7
Ghana 131.498 0.104 79 196.4
Puerto Rico 129.848 0.102 80 134.8
Serbia 107.131 0.0846 81 143.3
Turkmenistan 103.987 0.0821 82 150.2
Panama 100.512 0.0793 83 150
Croatia 100.006 0.0789 84 124.6
Côte d'Ivoire 95.887 0.0757 85 149.2
Uganda 91.212 0.072 86 139.9
Lithuania 90.387 0.0713 87 116.9
Jordan 89.555 0.0707 88 114.2
Lebanon 88.786 0.0701 89 113.7
Libya 87.067 0.0687 90 111.9
Costa Rica 85.781 0.0677 91 115.2
Bolivia 83.608 0.066 92 110.4
Cameroon 81.535 0.0644 93 115.2
Uruguay 77.8 0.0614 94 100.2
Nepal 77.147 0.0609 95 104
Yemen 74.25 0.0586 96 116.8
Bahrain 69.922 0.0552 97 85.62
Slovenia 69.358 0.0547 98 84.38
Zambia 68.648 0.0542 99 94.24
Democratic Republic of the Congo 68.331 0.0539 100 92.93
Paraguay 68.005 0.0537 101 90.68
Afghanistan 67.462 0.0533 102 93.32
Macao SAR 65.732 0.0519 103 83.78
Cambodia 64.405 0.0508 104 98.14
Luxembourg 63.549 0.0502 105 82.55
El Salvador 57.285 0.0452 106 70.49
Latvia 53.268 0.042 107 70.88
Honduras 45.628 0.036 108 60.92
Trinidad and Tobago 44.654 0.0352 109 56.13
Lao P.D.R. 44.639 0.0352 110 69.09
Bosnia and Herzegovina 44.462 0.0351 111 59.61
Senegal 43.326 0.0342 112 67.28
Mali 40.974 0.0323 113 57.24
Estonia 40.275 0.0318 114 51.42
Madagascar 40.055 0.0316 115 56.61
Georgia 39.318 0.031 116 55.4
Botswana 39.054 0.0308 117 53.24
Mongolia 37.731 0.0298 118 55.91
Mozambique 37.321 0.0295 119 60.37
Gabon 36.999 0.0292 120 50.46
Albania 36.198 0.0286 121 49.19
Nicaragua 35.835 0.0283 122 49.48
Burkina Faso 35.598 0.0281 123 53.88
Brunei Darussalam 32.838 0.0259 124 51.32
FYR Macedonia 31.924 0.0252 125 42.46
Cyprus 31.093 0.0245 126 38.36
Equatorial Guinea 30.807 0.0243 127 29.04
Republic of Congo 30.607 0.0242 128 40.42
Zimbabwe 29.795 0.0235 129 33.46
Chad 29.73 0.0235 130 39.02
Papua New Guinea 29.481 0.0233 131 38.6
Tajikistan 27.802 0.0219 132 40.72
Mauritius 27.507 0.0217 133 37.31
Namibia 27.451 0.0217 134 37.21
Armenia 27.116 0.0214 135 35.37
Jamaica 26.474 0.0209 136 33.55
Benin 25.407 0.0201 137 38.53
Rwanda 24.717 0.0195 138 39.05
Kyrgyz Republic 22.737 0.0179 139 31.86
Malawi 22.577 0.0178 140 32.6
Niger 21.655 0.0171 141 32.73
South Sudan 20.423 0.0161 142 26.69
Moldova 20.207 0.016 143 27.06
Haiti 19.979 0.0158 144 25.71
Kosovo 19.509 0.0154 145 26.1
Malta 18.404 0.0145 146 23.88
Iceland 17.846 0.0141 147 23.01
Mauritania 17.421 0.0138 148 23.76
Guinea 17.056 0.0135 149 23.93
Togo 12.494 0.00986 150 18.13
Sierra Leone 11.551 0.00912 151 18.07
Swaziland 11.352 0.00896 152 12.97
Montenegro 10.934 0.00863 153 14.02
Eritrea 9.678 0.00764 154 12.93
The Bahamas 9.374 0.0074 155 11.34
Fiji 8.798 0.00694 156 11.62
Burundi 8.024 0.00633 157 9.093
Suriname 7.961 0.00628 158 9.895
Lesotho 7.287 0.00575 159 9.64
Bhutan 7.045 0.00556 160 11.99
Guyana 6.398 0.00505 161 13.95
Maldives 5.853 0.00462 162 8.192
Barbados 4.983 0.00393 163 5.924
Timor-Leste 4.567 0.0036 164 3.826
Liberia 3.96 0.00313 165 5.913
Cabo Verde 3.762 0.00297 166 5.111
Djibouti 3.658 0.00289 167 5.537
The Gambia 3.607 0.00285 168 4.811
Central African Republic 3.411 0.00269 169 4.925
Belize 3.252 0.00257 170 4.001
Guinea-Bissau 3.089 0.00244 171 4.377
Seychelles 2.761 0.00218 172 3.613
Antigua and Barbuda 2.372 0.00187 173 2.865
St. Lucia 2.11 0.00167 174 2.523
San Marino 2.093 0.00165 175 2.478
Grenada 1.588 0.00125 176 2.013
St. Kitts and Nevis 1.544 0.00122 177 1.985
Comoros 1.329 0.00105 178 1.795
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1.299 0.00103 179 1.665
Solomon Islands 1.247 0.00098 180 1.609
Samoa 1.129 0.00089 181 1.371
Dominica 0.847 0.00067 182 1.034
Vanuatu 0.772 0.00061 183 1.008
São Tomé and Príncipe 0.685 0.00054 184 0.993
Tonga 0.597 0.00047 185 0.745
Micronesia 0.345 0.00027 186 0.4
Palau 0.297 0.00023 187 0.386
Kiribati 0.222 0.00018 188 0.269
Marshall Islands 0.188 0.00015 189 0.224
Nauru 0.16 0.00013 190 0.181
Tuvalu 0.041 0.00003 191 0.05
Syria - - - -
World 126,688     168,202



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